Parking Procedure
PARKING PROCEDURE Control equipment are in operation at the entrances to the parking areas. The parking procedure has been planned to avoid waste of time and queuing. PARKING AVAILABILITY Special signs placed at the entrance of the parking area indicate availability. AT THE ENTRANCE Press the button on the ticket issue machine. Take the ticket from the machine and keep it during your stay at Macedonia Station. AT THE EXIT Walk to the electronic automatic pay machine (P2) or the pay booth (P1). | Insert the ticket you received at the entrance to the electronic pay machine. The system calculates the cost and time of your stay at the parking area and informs you of the due amount. From the moment you pay the ticket you have 15 minutes to leave the parking area. Drive to the exit and stop at the check point where you must insert the ticket. The bar opens and you may leave the parking area. In case you need help, you may call the parking area personnel by pressing the help button. WHERE TO FIND THE AUTOMATIC PAY MACHINE At parking area P2, on the right side of the entrance. WHERE TO FIND THE PAY BOOTH At parking area P1, on the left side of the entrance. |